
9th English Solved Modal Question Paper || 9वीं अंग्रेजी के लिए हल आदर्श प्रश्न पत्र

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Section 'A'

Note: Attempt all questions.
[1] Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below ―
Today many varieties of tea are available in the market. A new thing is the tea bag that is easy and less messy than traditional ways of brewing tea. Green tea is popular in China and Far East. In Japan, the tea ceremony is a traditional way of greeting guests and is a social occasion. Unlike the tea we are familiar with, green tea is not drunk with sugar or milk. It is an olive-coloured liquid served in porcelain cups. In Morocco, green tea is infused with freshly plucked mint.
Green tea is popular in
(i) England
(ii) India
(iii) China and far East
(iv) Japan.
Ans. (iii) China and far East

(2) The traditional way of greeting guests in Japan:
(1) Coffee ceremony
(ii) Tea ceremony
(iii) Green tea ceremony
(iv) Water ceremony.
Ans. (ii) Tea ceremony

(3) Green tea is ―
(i) Green coloured
(ii) Brown coloured
(iii) Olive coloured
(iv) Yellow coloured
Ans. (iii) Olive coloured

(4) In Morocco, green tea is infused with freshly plucked mint.
Ans. Mint

(5) Identify the word from the extract which means 'untidy or dirty'.
Ans. messy

[2] Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below―
Gautama Buddha (563 BC-483 BC) began life as prince named Siddhartha Gautama, in Northern India. At twelve, he was sent away for schooling in the Hindu sacredscriptures and four years later he returned home to marry a princess. They had a son and lived for ten years as befitted royalty. At about the age of twenty-five, the prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms. These sights so moved him that he at once went out into the world to seek enlightenment concerning the sorrows he had witnessed.
What was Gautama Buddha's early name?
(i) Sidhha
(ii) Sadhu
(iii) Siddhartha
(iv) Sidhant.
Ans. (iii) Siddhartha

(2) What did Gautama Buddha witness while hunting?
(i) Beauty of nature
(ii) The pleasure of hunting
(iii) Joy of life
(iv) Sufferings of people.
Ans. (iv) Sufferings of people.

(3) Gautama Buddha studied:
(i) Greek scriptures
(ii) Sanskrit scriptures
(iii) Hindu scriptures
(iv) Latin scriptures.
Ans. (iii) Hindu scriptures

(4) Gautama Buddha saw a monk begging for alms.
Ans. monk

(5) Identify the word from the extract which means 'spiritual knowledge'.
Ans. Enlightenment.

Section 'B'

[3] Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below ―
How does television affect our lives ? It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the shows they watch. Television can increase our knowledge of the outside world; there are high quality programmes that help us to understand many fields of study, science, medicine, the arts and so on. Moreover, television benefits very old people, who can't often leave the house as well as patients in the hospitals. It also offers non-native speakers the advantage of daily informal language, practice. They can increase their vocabulary and practice listening.
Give a suitable title.
Ans. Suitable Title is Advantages of Television.
(2) Read the passage carefully and make notes.
Ans. Notes - 1. Advantages of Television― (i) increases knowledge.
(ii) helps us to understand fields of science, medicine, arts.
(iii) helps the old, patients in hospitals.
(iv) non-natives get language practice.
(v) good way to relax, spend free time.

4. Write a letter to your friend, congratulating him on his success in the examination.
Ward 16, Bazar Chowk,
Mehra Pipariya (Seoni) M.P
Dated 6th December, 2023
Dear Ramnath,
Heartiest congratulations to you I am glad that you have achieved brilliant success in the High School Examination. I saw your name in the merit list. We all were very happy to hear the news. You will have to throw a nice dinner party to our friends when you come here.
Please inform me about your arrival
Yours truly,
Rampal Temre

Write an application to your Headmaster requesting him to provide you free text books.
The Headmaster,
Govt. Middle School, Bhopal [MP]
6th December, 2023.
Subject: Regarding free textbooks.
I beg to state that I am a student of your school studying in class IX. I belong to a very poor family. My father is a farmer. He is unable to bear the expenses of my studies. I am a good students. I shall be highly obliged if you provide me free textbooks Then only I shall be able to continue my studies.
Thanking you,
Yours obediently
Aarti Pancheshwar
Roll No. 43
Class IX A

5. On the basis of the following points prepare an article in about 80 words ―
(A) Effect of Music
(B) TV Watching
(C) Books-Our Best Companions
(D) Importance of Trees

(A) Effect of Music
(i) Humans
(ii) soothing effect
(iii) cures
(iv) animals
(v) sensitive
(vi) no delight
(vii) incapable
Ans. The effect of music on human mind and heart is great. Music has the power of soothing the oppressed heart and of infusing courage and cheerfulness into it. So great is its power that under its influence even madness is found to be cured. Even wild and savage animals cannot resist the charm of music. Tigers, deer and snakes are particularly sensitive to music. The man who has no ear for music and finds no delight in it is incapable of anything

(B) TV Watching (1) Source of entertainment
(ii) attracts all
(iii) music
(iv) educative
(v) entertaining
(vi) bad effects
Ans. These days TV is the greatest source of entertainment. It offers every kind of entertainment to all of different ages. Cable TV has attracted all alike to it. TV watching is both educative and entertaining. It gives us good morals through various programmes, like serial and films. It news channels let up know what is happening all around the world. Its music channels provide good music. Educational programmes add to our knowledge. But TV watching has bad effects also. It harms children's eye-sight. They lag in their studies due to it. Thus, TV watching is both useful and harmful.

(C) Books-Our Best Companions
(i) Man
(ii) social animal
(iii) isolation
(iv) harm
(v) books
(vi) best companions
(vii) friends and guides
(viii) humanity
(ix) storehouse of knowledge
(x) best during leisure
(xi) broadness outlook.

Ans. Man is a social animal. He can't live in isolation Our friends, relatives can prove unreliable. They can harm our interests. However books are our real companions, friends and guides. They enrich humanity. They are the storehouse of knowledge. They have educative as well as informative value and importance. Reading books is a very constructive way to spend our leisure time. It broadens our outlook.

(D) Importance of Trees (i) Trees
(ii) gift of nature
(iii) friends of man
(iv) oxygen
(v) timber
(vi) cause rainfall
(vii) cutting of trees
(viii) tree plantation
(ix) pollution
(x) environment
Ans. Trees are very important for us. They are true friends of man. They are a precious gift of nature to man. They give us food to eat. They give us oxygen. No tree means no life on earth. Trees cause rainfall Now-a-days, forests are being cut due to various reasons. No action is being taken by the government. There is a need to plant new trees. Due to lack of trees, water, air and noise pollution are increasing. Trees gives us a clean and beautiful environment. Or

Write an essay on any one of the following topics:
(A) My Favourite Game
(B) My Hobby
(C) Importance of Trees
(D) The Festival of Lights

(A) My Favourite Game
A Cricket Match

1. Introduction ― Games are very essential for our life. A proverb says that 'A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Gandhiji wanted that games must form an essential part of our education Games develop good qualities like brotherhood, cooperation and team spirit in us.

2. Kinds of Games ― There are many kinds of games. We can select any game of our choice Some outdoor games are cricket, football, tennis, hockey etc. Some indoor games are table-tennis, badminton etc.

3. My Favourite Game ― I play many games such as football, kabaddi, hockey etc.. but I like most playing cricket. Since my childhood, I have liked this game. My father had bought me a bat and a ball. I used to hit the ball while others threw it to me. When I grew up. I played with the boys of my colony. All praised my batting.

4. The Reason for My Choice ― My father was a very good cricket player in his school days. A number of cups and medals and some beautifully framed certificates in his drawing room have been inspiring me for years. And now when I have come of age, I have opted for this game. I have become a hard-core fan of cricket and it is a part of my life now.

5. How is the Game Played? ― It is a game played by two teams. Each team has eleven players. When one team plays, the other fields. Besides the players, there are two umpires whose decision is final and binding on both the teams. Then there are two scorers to keep a record of the entire game. The team with the higher score of runs wins the match.

6. The Matches ― Cricket is played at state, national and international level. Several tournaments are organised. Its commentary is broadcast on radio and telecast on TV channels. I often watch these matches on TV.

7. A Match in Our School ― There was a grand cricket match in our school. Our team invited the team of Anand H.S.S. No. 1. The match was arranged on Sunday. The Principal invited many guests. The match was fixed for 35 overs. Our team won the toss and invited the opposite team to bat. Abdul Aziz and Rajesh of the other team started the match as the opening batsmen. Abdul Aziz scored 10 runs and was declared 1.b.w out. Baldev Singh was our bowler. I caught 2 wickets. All the players of the opposite team were out in 32 overs. They scored 120 runs. Then our team started batting. I made 22 runs. We made 121 runs in 33 overs losing 8 wickets. Thus, we won the match. The play of the opposite team was also very good. However, we were not very proud of our victory as you know that "Cricket is by chance."

8. Conclusion ― India has borne many good cricketers. It has been given "Test status" and Test Matches are played in India as well.
Cricket provides fine sport for all and is considered to be a noble game, which is usually played with perfect honesty and fairness.

(B) My Hobby

1. Introduction ― Hobby means anything done as a pastime. When we have no regular work to do and want to pass our time doing something as enjoyment, it is called hobby.

2. Kinds of Hobbies― There are many kinds of hobbies such as painting, stamp- collection, photography, gardening, making toys etc.

3. My Hobby ― My hobby is gardening. I believe it is the best hobby because trees and plants are the basis of our life. They not only give us food to eat, but also serve us in many ways as well. They make the air fresh and cool for us. Plants give us flowers. Trees give us fruits to eat and wood to burn. So, I like trees and plants very much.

4. My Garden ― There is a small garden in front of my house. We have planted some beautiful trees and plants in it. I water them daily, and set the flower-beds ar times. This is a very eco-friendly and useful hobby. It gives me great pleasure. It also keeps me healthy. Our garden gives us flowers, fruits and vegetables. It keeps the air fresh and clean

5. Conclusion ― My mother, father and other members of my family help me in my hobby. In my leisure time, I look after my garden.

(C) Importance of Trees

1. Introduction ― Trees are very important for us. They give us fruits to eat and firewood to burn. We build houses and make furniture with their wood. Trees support the life of various living things. They give us oxygen to breathe. They produce starch for our food.

2. Other Services ― Trees cause rainfall. Hot days are made cool by trees. They check the surface soil of the earth from being washed away by rains Trees also help to prevent floods.

3. Different Kinds of Trees ― There are various kinds of trees that fulfil our different needs. Rubber trees provide rubber Every part of the coconut tree can be put to some use or the other. The sap of cow tree is used in place of milk

4. Useful to Animals ― The branches of trees provide shelter to millions of birds Forests are natural habitat to many wild animals. The leaves of the trees serve as food for animals. Many insects also depend on trees for their lives.

5. Other Importance ― We value trees not only for their usefulness, but also for their beauty. They refresh our mind and body. The ancient rishis lived in forests. They built their ashrams there. These were centres of knowledge and learning Trees help to check pollution.

6. Conclusion ― We must consider it as our duty to plant new trees and protect them. Nowadays, reckless cutting of trees has created many problems Ecological imbalance has increased. Pollution is increasing day by day. We must stop all this.

(D) The Festival of Lights

1. Introduction ― Dipawali is an important Hindu festival. It often falls in the month of October or November every year Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya from exile after 14 years People welcomed him. They decorated their houses and lighted earthen lamps. It was called Dipawali. People celebrate Dipawali every year.

2. Preparation ― People start preparations for this festival weeks before. They clean and white-wash and paint their houses, shops and markets. All things look new and fresh.

3. How Celebrated ― People put on new dresses. They prepare sweets and other delicious food. They greet one another. At night, they light earthen lamps, electric bulbs of different colours and bright bulbs at their houses, mainly on Amavasya, which is the Dipawali day.

4. Worship of Goddess Laxmi ― On the day of Dipawali people worship Laxmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. This is the time to enjoy Children burn crackers They eat sweets. People sing and dance.

5. Importance ― Dipawali is celebrated throughout the country. People of all communities take part in this festival. They celebrate it with great zeal It is the festival of national importance. It helps in uniting the nation.

6. For All People ― The children, the young and the old, all are equally very happy on this festival This refreshes the life. The rich and the poor, all celebrate it as per their capacity. This festival is celebrated for three days ie. Dhanteras. Chaturdashi and Amavasya.

7. Conclusion ― Some people gamble and drink wine. This is a bad habit. They should leave this. It is harmful. People should be careful when they burst crackers Dipawali is a very nice festival if celebrated responsibly.

6. Write a paragraph of about 80 words on the basis of the visual given ―

a boat trip paragraph writing

A Boat Trip
Our family decided to go to Mumbai. We visited several places there. We decided to see the Elephanta caves. It is about thirty kilometre from Mumbai. These caves are on an island. We all enjoyed our journey. The weather was excellent. After an hour our boat reached the island. We were happy to see the harbour. It was a wonderful sight to see several ships anchored there. The sea was beautiful People were singing and dancing in group. It was a wonderful trip.

Section 'C'

7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct word from the brackets (any five) ―
(1) My maid has washed the floor. (wash/washed/washing)
(ii) We should speak the truth. (can, may, should)
(iii) Frogs are jumping into the river. (on, in, into)
(iv) Reeta is the tallest girl of our class. (a, an, the)
(v) My grandmother has been suffering from fever since morning. (for, since)
(vi) Physics is not a difficult subject. (is, are)
(vii) Children play football in the evening. (play/plays)

8. Do as directed (any five) ―
(i) We like sweets. (Change into Interrogative) Ans. Do we like sweets?
(ii) He sings a song. (Change into Past Indefinite Tense)
Ans. He sang a song.
(iii) He said to me. "Dont open the box." (Change the narration)
Ans. He asked me not to open the box.
(iv) Children read books. (Change into passive voice)
Ans. Books are read.
(v) As soon as he went out, his friend came in. (Rewrite the sentence using No sooner... than)
Ans. No sooner did he go out, than his friend came in.
(vi) The old man is very weak. He cannot walk.
(Rewrite the sentence using so that)
Ans. The old man is so weak that he can not walk.
(vii) take/morning/I/tea/in/the. (Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence)
Ans. I take tea in the morning.

Section 'D'

9. Choose the correct option ―
(1) What do 'yellow woods' represent in the poem?
(A) Forests
(B) Young people
(C) Older people
(D) Choice.
Ans. (A) Forests

(2) What did Aurangzeb ban in his palace?
(A) Playing of Pungi
(B) Playing sitar
(C) Playing music
(D) Dancing.
Ans. (A) Playing of Pungi

(3) What did Kezia's grandmother ask her to make?
(A) Chapati
(B) Snacks
(C) A gift of pin cushion
(D) None of these.
Ans. (C) A gift of pin cushion

(4) What does 'Santosh' mean?
(A) Contentment
(B) Discontentment
(C) Greed
(D) Bravery.
Ans. (A) Contentment

10. (A) Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions given below ―
Einstein was deeply shaken by the extent of the destruction. This time he wrote a public missive to the United Nations. In it he proposed the formation of a world government Unlike the letter to Roosevelt, this one made no impact. But over the next decade, Einstein got ever more involved in politics-agitating for an end to the arms buildup and using his popularity to campaign for peace and democracy.

What did Einstein promote during his political career?
(A) Peace
(B) Democracy
(C) To end the arms buildup
(D) All of these.
Ans. (D) All of these.

(2) What did Albert warn the American President of?
(A) Advantages of atomic bomb
(B) About environment
(C) Disadvantages of developing atomic bomb
(D) None of the above
Ans. (C) Disadvantages of developing atomic bomb

(3) Write the synonym of 'decade."
Ans. Ten years

(B) Read the extract carefully and answer the following questions given below ―
I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made:
Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honeybee,
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.

Who has written this poem?
(A) Robert Frost
(B) Coates Kinney
(C) W. B. Yeats
(D) James Kirkup
Ans. (C) W. B. Yeats

(2) What does 'Innisfree' symbolise?
(A) A place of peace
(B) A place of fun
(C) A place of noise
(D) A free place.
Ans. (A) A place of peace

(3) Trace a word from the extract that means "open space'.
Ans. Glade

11. Answer the following questions in 30 words (any six) ―
Q. (1) What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― मागीं और टॉमी के अध्यापक किस प्रकार के थे?
Ans. Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers. They used to learn and read everything through television screen, where they were given, instructions on different subjects and they had to insert the home work in proper slot.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― मागों और टॉमी के मशीनी अध्यापक थे। वे लोग टीवी स्क्रीन पर देखकर ही पढ़ते और सीखते थे, जहाँ पर उन्हें अलग-अलग विषयों के बारे में हिदायतें दी जाती थीं और उन्हें अपना गृहकार्य सही खाने में डालना होता था।

Q. (2) Where was the Shehnai played traditionally? How did Bismillah Khan change this?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― परम्परागत रूप से शहनाई कहाँ बजायी जाती थी ? बिस्मिल्लाह खान ने इसे कैसे बदला?
Ans. Traditionally, the shehnai was played at the royal court, in the temples and at weddings. Bismillah Khan invented new ragas with the shehnai and thus brought it on the stage along with other instruments.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― परम्परागत रूप से, शहनाई राज दरबार में, मंदिरों में और शादियों में बजायी जाती थी। बिस्मिल्लाह खान ने शहनाई से नये रागों की उत्पत्ति की और इस तरह शहनाई, दूसरे वाद्यों के साथ मंच पर आयी।

Q. (3) In what ways did Kezia's grandmother encourage her to get to know her father well?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― केजिया की दादी उसे किन तरीकों से उत्साहित करती थी कि वो अपने पिता को ज्यादा अच्छे से जाने? Ans. Kezia's grandmother encouraged her to get to know her father better by sending her to the drawing-room to talk to her parents on Sundays She also suggested Kezia to make a pin cushion as a gift for her father's birthday.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― केज़िया की दादी उसे अपने पिता को ज्यादा अच्छे से जानने को उत्साहित करने हेतु उसे इतवार को बैठक में अपने माता-पिता से बात करने भेजती थी। उन्होंने ही केज़िया को राय दी कि वह अपने पिता के जन्मदिन के उपहार के लिए पिन कुशन बनाये।

(4) What shows Santosh's concern for the environment?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― क्या बातें दर्शाती हैं कि संतोष को पर्यावरण की परवाह है?
Ans. Santosh was really concerned for the environment. She collected and brought down 500 kg of garbage from the Himalayas.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― संतोष को सच में पर्यावरण की बहुत परवाह थी। उसने 500 किलोग्राम कूड़ा हिमालय पर्वत से जमा किया और नीचे लेकर आयी।

(5) What two 'important' and 'earth shaking' decisions did the doctor take while he was looking into the mirror?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― कौन से दो महत्वपूर्ण और बड़े निर्णय डॉक्टर ने लिये जब वो शीशा देख रहे थे?
Ans. The doctor took two 'important' and earth-shaking' decisions while he was looking into the mirror were―
(i) He decided to shave daily and grow a thin moustache.
(ii) He decided to keep an attractive smile on his face always.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― डॉक्टर ने दो महत्वपूर्ण और बड़े निर्णय शीशा देखते वक्त लिए वह थे―
(i) उन्होंने निर्णय लिया कि वो रोज दाढ़ी बनाया करेंगे और पतली मूंछें बढ़ायेंगे।
(ii) उन्होंने निर्णय लिया कि वो हमेशा अपने चेहरे पर आकर्षित मुस्कान रखेंगे।

(6) What is the belief at Pashupatinath about the end of Kaliyug?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― पशुपतिनाथ में कलियुग के अंत के बारे में क्या मान्यता है?
Ans. At Pashupatinath, there is a small shrine that half protrudes from the stone platform on the river bank. When it emerges fully, the Goddess inside will escape and the evil period of Kaliyug will end on earth.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― पशुपतिनाथ में, एक छोटा सा पूजा का स्थान है जो कि नदी के किनारे एक पत्थर के चबूतरे से आधा बाहर निकला हुआ है। जब यह पूरी तरह से उभरेगा, तो इसके अन्दर की देवी पलायन कर जायेगी और पृथ्वी पर कलियुग के बुरे वक्त का अन्त होगा।

(7) What difference does the author note between the flute seller and the other hawkers?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― लेखक बाँसुरी बेचने वाले और दूसरे फेरीवालों में क्या अन्तर देखता है?
Ans. The author notes that the flute seller selected a flute from time to time, played it for a few minutes, the sound rose clearly above the noise of the traffic and the other hawkers cries. He played slowly, mediatively and without excessive display. He does not shout out his wares while other hawkers shouted out their wares.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― लेखक देखता है कि बाँसुरी बेचने वाला एक-एक करके बाँसुरी निकालता है, कुछ मिनट के लिए बजाता है, उसकी आवाज साफ सुनायी देती है, ट्रैफिक और दूसरे फेरीवालों के शोर के बावजूद। वह आराम से ध्यान लगाकर बाँसुरी बजाता है और ज्यादा सामान का दिखावा नहीं करता। वह अपना सामान बेचने के लिए शोर नहीं मचाता जबकि दूसरे फेरीवाले अपना सामान बेचने के लिए बहुत शोर मचा रहे थे।

(8) Why does the intruder choose Gerrard as the man whose identity he wants to take on?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― घुसपैठिये ने जिरार्ड को क्यों चुना उस आदमी के लिए, जिसकी पहचान वह लेना चाहता था?
Ans. The intruder chooses Gerrard because he feels that they are similar to each other. As he has committed a murder, he plans to steal Gerrard's identity and live peacefully.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― घुसपैठिये ने जिरार्ड को इसलिए चुना क्योंकि उसने महसूस किया कि वह दोनों एक से लगते हैं। क्योंकि वह एक हत्या कर चुका था, वह जिरार्ड की पहचान चुराना चाहता था जिससे वह शान्ति से अपना जीवन गुजार सके।

12. Answer the following questions in 30 words (any two):
(1) Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― यात्री खुद को कहाँ पाता है ? वह किस समस्या का सामना करता है?
Ans. The traveller finds himself standing on a fork in the path. He is in a problem as he must choose one path and he is unable to decide which one to choose.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― यात्री खुद को दोराहे पर खड़ा हुआ पाता है। उसके सामने यह समस्या है कि उसे एक रास्ता चुनना है और वह निर्णय नहीं कर पाता कि किस रास्ते को चुने।

(2) How does the poet suggest that all people on earth are the same?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― कवि कैसे सुझाव देता है कि धरती पर सभी लोग समान हैं?
Ans. The poet says that nobody is different and peculiar. No country is strange, a single body breathes beneath all uniforms. Moreover, the land is same everywhere.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― कवि कहता है कि कोई भी अलग और अजीब तरह का नहीं है। कोई देश अजीब नहीं है। किसी भी तरह के कपड़ों के नीचे सबका शरीर एक है, सबकी आत्मा एक है। इसके अतिरिक्त, हर जगह की जमीन एक-सी है।

(3) Can a 'simple jab of the knife' kill a tree ? Why not?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― क्या चाकू की साधारण चोट से पेड़ मर सकता है ? क्यों नहीं?
Ans. No, a simple jab of knife does not have the ability to kill the tree. It has to go through various processes. If the tree is not uprooted from the earth, it will sprout again.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― नहीं, एक चाकू की साधारण चोट में इतनी काबिलियत नहीं है कि वह पेड़ को मार सके। इसके लिए बहुत-सी प्रक्रियाओं से गुजरना पड़ता है। अगर पेड़ की जड़ को जमीन से नहीं उखाड़ा जाएगा, वह फिर से उग आएगा।

13. Answer the following questions in 30 words (any two) ―
(1) Why does the lost child lose interest in the things he had wanted earlier?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― उस खोये हुए बच्चे की उन चीजों से, जिन्हें वह पहले लेना चाहता था, अब कोई इच्छा क्यों नहीं है? Ans. The child loses interest in the things that he wanted earlier because now he is sad as he has lost his parents. Before getting anything of his choice like sweets, flowers, balloons, joyride & music, he wants to reunite with his mother and father.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― बच्चा जो चीजें पहले लेना चाहता था, अब उसे उन चीजों को लेने की कोई इच्छा इसलिए नहीं है क्योंकि उसके माता-पिता बिछड़ गये हैं और वह दुःखी है। अपनी पसन्द की चीजें, जैसे मिठाइयाँ फूल, गुब्बारे, झूले व संगीत का आनन्द लेने से पहले वह अपने माता-पिता के साथ होना चाहता है।

(2) Why does the disciple decide to stay in the kingdom of fools? Is it a good idea?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― शिष्य मूर्खी के राज्य में रहने का क्यों निर्णय करता है ? क्या उसका ये ख्याल अच्छा है?
Ans. The disciple decides to stay in the kingdom of fools because he was delighted to see that everything costs a single duddu. All that he wanted was very good and cheap According to the guru, staying there was not a good idea as there were all fools so he felt this situation would not last long and was not sure about what they would do in the future.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― शिष्य मूर्खी के राज्य में इसलिए रहना चाहता है क्योंकि वह यह देखकर बहुत खुश है कि हर चीज का दाम। डुड्डू है। जो भी सामान वह चाहता है वह काफी अच्छा और सस्ता है। गुरु के अनुसार वहाँ रहना ठीक नहीं था क्योंकि वहाँ सब मूर्ख थे इसलिए उसे लगा ये स्थिति ज्यादा दिन नहीं चलेगी और उनका कोई भरोसा नहीं कि वे भविष्य में क्या करेंगे।

(3) Behrman has a dream, what is it? Does it come true?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― बेअरमैन का एक सपना है, वह क्या है? क्या वह पूरा होता है?
Ans. Behrman had a dream to paint a masterpiece in his life. He kept waiting for the opportunity to give it a practical shape.
Yes, he could materialize his dream when he painted the last leaf of the ivy creeper, which saved the life of Johnsy but took his own.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― बेअरमैन का सपना था कि वह अपने जीवन की श्रेष्ठ कलाकृति बनाए। वह सही अवसर का इन्तजार करता रहा जिससे कि उसे साकार रूप दे सके।
जी हाँ, उसका सपना पूरा हुआ जब उसने सदाबहार की बेल पर आखिरी पत्ती का चित्रांकन किया, जिससे जॉन्सी की जान तो बच गयी पर उसकी खुद की जान चली गयी।

14. Answer the following question in 75 words ―
Why does the world remember Einstein as a 'world citizen'?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― आइंस्टीन को पूरी दुनिया "विश्व नागरिक" के रूप में क्यों याद करती है?
Ans. The world remembers Einstein as a 'world citizen', because he believed in universal peace. Where there was a rat race for becoming atomic power, he was worried about the after-effects of the bomb. He was really a world citizen who was concerned with humanity.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― पूरी दुनिया आइंस्टीन को 'विश्व नागरिक' के रूप में याद करती है क्योंकि वह विश्व शांति में विश्वास करते थे। जहाँ दुनिया में परमाणु शक्ति के जोर पर शक्तिशाली बनने की होड़ लगी थी वहीं वह परमाणु बम के डालने के बाद होने वाले असर के प्रति चिन्तित थे। वह सच में विश्व नागरिक थे जिन्हें मानवता से वास्ता था।

How does Abdul Kalam describe his father?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― अब्दुल कलाम किस तरह अपने पिता के बारे में वर्णन करते हैं?
Ans. Kalam says that his father Jainulabdeen neither had much formal education nor had much wealth, but he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generosity of spirit. He avoided all inessential comforts & luxuries. However all necessities were provided for, in terms of food, medicines or clothes.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― कलाम कहते हैं कि उनके पिता जैनुलाब्दीन न तो ज्यादा शिक्षित थे न ही उनके पास ज्यादा पैसा था। पर वह बहुत उदार व दयालु थे। वे बेकार के आरामदेह व विलासितापूर्ण जीवन से बचते थे पर जरूरत की सब चीजें जैसे खाना, दवाइयाँ और कपड़ों की कोई कमी न रखते थे।

15. Answer the following question in 75 words ―
Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them in stanzas two and three?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― क्या दोनों रास्तों में कुछ अन्तर है जैसा कि कवि ने दूसरे और तीसरे छंद में वर्णन किया है?
Ans. The two paths were similar. In the beginning, the poet felt that one of them was grassy and had not been walked over by many people, but when he walked on it for some distance, he realized that it was like the other road.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― दोनों रास्ते एक-से थे। शुरुआत में कवि को लगा कि इनमें से एक रास्ते पर काफी घास उगी हुई है और उस पर लोगों की आवाजाही कम रही होगी, पर जब वह उस रास्ते पर कुछ दूरी तक चला. उसे महसूस हुआ कि ये रास्ता भी दूसरे रास्ते जैसा ही है।

What does the poet say the wind God winnows?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― वायु के देवता क्या फटकते हैं से कवि क्या कहना चाहता है?
Ans. Wind God winnows means that nature sifts the weak things from the strong ones. Everything that is weak is tossed by the powerful and gets destroyed, just like the winnower separates the grains of wheat from the chaff. Similarly, the wind God separates the weak from the strong.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― वायु के देवता फटकते हैं, मतलब, प्रकृति कमजोर चीजों को ताकतवर चीजों से छानकर अलग कर देती है। हर वो चीज जो कमजोर है, वह ताकतवर हवा द्वारा उछाल दी जाती है और नष्ट हो जाती है, ठीक उसी तरह जैसे फटकने वाला, चोकर में से गेहूँ को अलग कर देता है। उसी तरह वायु के देवता भी कमजोर को ताकतवर से अलग कर देते हैं।

16. Answer the following question in 75 words ―
How does the Guru manage to save his disciple's life?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― गुरु ने शिष्य की जिन्दगी किस तरह से बचायी?
Ans. The guru tries to confuse the king by expressing his desire to be killed first, then to further confuse the king, he tells the story of becoming a king in the next incarnation Apparently it may sound like a case of pure lie to save your dear one's life, but if we go deeper, we realize that guru was trying to save the life of all the people in the kingdom. Ultimately he is able to pull everyone out of the misery of living in the kingdom of fools.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― गुरु ने राजा का ध्यान भटकाने की कोशिश की। उन्होंने अपनी इच्छा जाहिर की कि वे पहले मरना चाहेंगे, फिर उन्होंने राजा को और उलझाना चाहा यह कह कर कि जो इस सूली से लटक कर पहले मरेगा वही अगले जन्म में यहाँ का राजा बनेगा।
यूँ तो ये साफ झूठ लगता है कि ये बात सिर्फ किसी अपने को बचाने को कही होगी, पर अगर हम गहराई से देखें तो हमें ज्ञात होगा कि गुरु उस राज्य में रहने वाले सब लोगों की जिन्दगी बचाने की कोशिश कर रहे थे। आखिरकार उन्होंने उस मूर्खी के राज्य के कष्टों से सबको निकाल लिया।

For whom does the Prince send the Sapphires and why?
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― राजकुमार ने नीलम किनके लिए भेजे और क्यों?
Ans. The playwright was very poor. He was incapable of buying food and firewood. The prince sent the sapphire for the playwright so that he could finish a play for the director of the theatre in time.
The prince sent the second sapphire to a poor match girl. Her matches had fallen into the gutter. She was afraid that her father would beat her for this lose. So she was helped by the prince by sending her the second sapphire.
हिन्दी अनुवाद ― एक नाटककार काफी गरीब था। वह अपना खाना और जलाने के लिए लकड़ियों का इन्तजाम नहीं कर पा रहा था। राजकुमार ने एक नीलम उस नाटककार के लिए भेजा जिससे कि वह अपना नाटक जल्दी से खत्म कर सके और समय से निर्देशक को दे सके।
राजकुमार ने दूसरा नीलम एक माचिस बेचने वाली लड़की के लिए भेजा। उसके सारे माचिस के डिब्बे नाली के गटर में गिर गये। वह बहुत डर रही थी कि इस नुकसान के लिए उसके पिता उसे मारेंगे। इस प्रकार राजकुमार ने उसे नीलम भेजकर उसकी मदद की।

कक्षा 9 संस्कृत के पाठों व प्रश्नोत्तर पढ़ें।
1. पाठः प्रथमः 'भारतीवसन्तगीतिः' (विषय - संस्कृत कक्षा- 9) सारांश, भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
2. पाठः द्वितीयः 'स्वर्णकाकः' (विषय - संस्कृत कक्षा- 9) सारांश, भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
3. पाठः तृतीयः 'गोदोहनम्' विषय - संस्कृत (कक्षा- 9) सारांश, भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर

कक्षा 9 क्षितिज (हिन्दी) के गद्य खण्ड के पाठ, उनके सारांश एवं अभ्यास
1. पाठ 1 'दो बैलों की कथा' पाठ, का सारांश, अभ्यास एवं व्याकरण
2. सम्पूर्ण कहानी- 'दो बैलों की कथा' - प्रेंमचन्द
3. दो बैलों की कथा (कहानी) प्रेंमचन्द
4. पाठ- 2 'ल्हासा की ओर' - यात्रावृत्त - राहुल सांकृत्यायन
5. पाठ- 2 'ल्हासा की ओर' (यात्रा-वृत्तान्त, लेखक- राहुल सांकृत्यायन), पाठ का सारांश, प्रश्नोत्तर, भाषा अध्ययन, रचना और अभिव्यक्ति (कक्षा 9 हिन्दी)
6. पाठ - 3 'उपभोक्तावाद की संस्कृति' (विषय हिन्दी गद्य-खण्ड कक्षा - 9) प्रश्नोत्तर अभ्यास
7. साँवले सपनों की याद– जाबिर हुसैन, प्रमुख गद्यांश एवं प्रश्नोत्तर।
8. नाना साहब की पुत्री देवी मैना को भस्म कर दिया गया — चपला देवी, Class 9th Hindi क्षितिज पाठ-5 अभ्यास व प्रश्नोत्तर
9. पाठ 6 'प्रेंमचंद के फटे जूते' (विषय- हिन्दी गद्य-खण्ड कक्षा- 9) पाठ का सारांश एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
10. पाठ- 7 'मेरे बचपन के दिन' (विषय- हिन्दी कक्षा- 9 गद्य-खण्ड) सारांश एवं प्रश्नोत्तर

कक्षा 9 क्षितिज (हिन्दी विशिष्ट) के पद्य खण्ड के पाठ, उनके सार, अभ्यास व प्रश्नोत्तर को पढ़ें।
1. पाठ 9 साखियाँ और सबद (पद) भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
2. पाठ 10 'वाख' भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
3. पाठ 11 'सवैये' भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
4. पाठ 12 'कैदी और कोकिला' भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
5. पाठ 13 'ग्रामश्री' भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
6. पाठ 14 चंद्र गहना से लौटती बेर केदारनाथ अग्रवाल भावार्थ एवं अभ्यास
7. पाठ - 15 'मेघ आए' (विषय - हिन्दी काव्य-खण्ड कक्षा- 9) सारांश, भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
8. पाठ - 16 'यमराज की दिशा' (विषय - हिन्दी काव्य-खण्ड कक्षा- 9) सारांश, भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर
9. बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं' (पाठ - 17 विषय - हिन्दी काव्य-खण्ड कक्षा- 9) सारांश, भावार्थ एवं प्रश्नोत्तर

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारत एवं विश्व के देशों के आकार व स्थिति | Size And Position Of India And Countries Of The World
2. विश्व तथा भारत (एवं उसके पड़ोसी देश) | World And India (And Its Neighboring Countries)
3. भारत की स्थलाकृतियाँ– शैलें और प्लेटें | Topography Of India– Rocks And Plates
4. भारतीय स्थलाकृतियों का निर्माण– गोंडवाना भूमि | Formation Of Indian Topographies– Gondwana Land
5. हिमालय– हिमाद्रि (ऊँचे शिखर), हिमाचल, शिवालिक | Himalaya– Himadri (High Peak), Himachal, Shivalik

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारत का उत्तरी मैदान– भाबर, तराई, भांगर, खादर | Northern Plains Of India– Bhabar, Terai, Bhangar, Khadar
2. प्रायद्वीपीय पठार– मध्य उच्चभूमि, दक्कन ट्रैप | Peninsular Plateau– Central Highlands, Deccan Trap
3. भारतीय मरूस्थल और तटीय मैदान | Indian Desert And Coastal Plain
4. लक्षद्वीप (प्रवाल), अंडमान एवं निकोबार द्वीप समूह | Lakshadweep (Coral), Andaman And Nicobar Islands
5. अपवाह तंत्र एवं अपवाह प्रतिरूप | Drainage System And Drainage Pattern

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारत में अपवाह तंत्र– हिमालय की नदियाँ एवं प्रायद्वीपीय नदियाँ | Drainage System In India– Himalayan Rivers And Peninsular Rivers
2. सिन्धु नदी तंत्र एवं सहायक नदियाँ | Indus River System And Tributaries
3. गंगा नदी तंत्र एवं सहायक नदियाँ | Ganges River System And Tributaries
4. भारत में ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी तंत्र | Brahmaputra River System In India
5. महानदी, गोदावरी, कृष्णा, कावेरी, नर्मदा, तापी | Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada, Tapi

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारत में झीलें | Lakes In India
2. नदी प्रदूषण एवं नदी संरक्षण | River Pollution And River Conservation
3. जलवायु (भारत की जलवायु), मौसम, ऋतु | Climate (Climate Of India), Weather, Seasons
4. जलवायवी नियंत्रण– अक्षांश, ऊँचाई, वायु दाब, समुद्र से दूरी, महासागरीय धाराएँ, उच्चावच लक्षण | Climate Control
5. कोरिआलिस बल, जेट धाराएँ, चक्रवातीय विक्षोभ | Corialis Force, Jet Streams, Cyclonic Disturbances

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारत पर मानसूनी पवनों का प्रभाव | Effect Of Monsoon Winds On India
2. भारतीय मानसून का आगमन एवं वापसी | Indian Monsoon Arrival And Withdrawal
3. भारत में शीत ऋतु और ग्रीष्म ऋतु | Winter Season And Summer Season In India
4. भारत में वर्षा ऋतु (मानसून का आगमन) | Rainy Season In India (Arrival Of Monsoon)
5. भारत की प्राकृतिक वनस्पति | Natural Vegetation Of India

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारतीय वनस्पति के प्रकार एवं विशेषताएँ | Types And Characteristics Of Indian Plants
2. भारत में उष्ण कटिबंधीय सदाबहार वन (वर्षा वन) | Tropical Evergreen Forest (Rain Forest) In India
3. भारत में उष्ण कटिबंधीय पर्णपाती वन (मानसूनी वन) | Tropical Deciduous Forest (Monsoon Forest) In India
4. नागफनी की पत्तियाँ छोटी और काटेदार क्यों होती हैं? | भारत में कटीले वन एवं झाड़ियाँ | Information About Thorny Forests
5. पर्वतीय क्षेत्रों के वृक्ष शंकुधारी क्यों होते हैं? | पर्वतीय वन || Mountain Forests

भूगोल के इन 👇 प्रकरणों को भी पढ़ें। (Also read these 👇 episodes of Geography.)
1. भारत में मैंग्रोव वन | Mangrove Forest In India

I hope the above information will be useful and important.
(आशा है, उपरोक्त जानकारी उपयोगी एवं महत्वपूर्ण होगी।)
Thank you.
R F Temre



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